...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Ghost of St. Patrick's Days Past

Some good St. Patrick's Days past:

The year I ended up at Flanagan's at closing time.

Last year, when I sat at a bar all Sunday with Jeff and Kim and just watched the freaks wander by.

The year I was in Naples for Spring Break and was under 21 and didn't have a fake, so it wasn't that exciting.

The year I got stuck at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with my friends, Christie and Patti. Then we got trapped by the St. Patrick's Day Parade.

The year I found out the guy I'd hooked up with was now hooking up with my roommate.

At Friday's one time, when they let us add our own food coloring.

The day I got dumped.

I actually only remembered that just now.