...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Saturday, November 11, 2006

White Creamy Foods

A friend told me this story the other night and, although I've already told it to the two people that even read this thing, I still have to write it down, because it makes me laugh every time I think of it.

A young man, recently married, is hanging out at his friend's house. The friend has just moved in with his girlfriend and is still getting used to all of the weird girl things that come with girlfriends. Hair products. Tampons. Dishtowels. Maybe an actual wineglass. Although they were in their early 20's at the time so, unless they were drinking white zin, probably not.

The friend goes to get a couple of beer from the fridge. He comes back and hands the young man a beer.

"Yeah, so my girlfriend? I guess she's got a yeast infection or something."
The young married man, wise to the ways of women at this point, simply nods.
"So, she's got all this yogurt," the friend says.
"Yeah, that helps, I guess," the young man replies.
"And she keeps using, like, half? And...leaving the other half there?"
The young man nods again.
"And it...it's strawberry."
"Isn't that...well, kinda gross?"
"Dude, if it helps? What do you care?"
"Good point. Okay."

They are silent. Drinking together. Watching the game. Engaging in that silent man cameraderie thing that they do so well.

A few minutes later, the young married man turns to his friend.
"You do know that she's eating the yogurt, don't you?"


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