...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Friday, April 25, 2008

Best Darn Feeling in the Whole World

You don't know until just before it happens. You could be anywhere: a snowy street corner, a deck on a rainy fall evening, sitting on a couch in a dark basement, in a garage. There's tension. There's a...a look. And then, suddenly, you know it is coming.

That first kiss.

A first kiss with someone is always exciting, no matter how good or bad the person might be at doing the actual kissing part. The anticipation, really, is the thing. The wondering if...well, if you'll fit together, the way you thought you might. The figuring out which way to tilt. The surrepticious spitting out of gum when they aren't looking. Or swallowing it if they are. The reading of all of the non-verbal cues that tells you whether or not this...is actually going to happen.

I love first kisses. Frequently to the detriment of second kisses. I love thinking about whether they're going to happen with someone. Picturing how they might happen. Rerunning them in my mind. I can remember my first kiss ever. I even remember the date.

Eventually, however, you get to the point where, when you're seeing someone, there isn't any mystery as to whether or not their going to kiss you. And then some of that magic disappears.

Maybe that's why I'm still not married.


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