...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Friday, May 18, 2007


Being in love is magical. Sometimes I don't know that I'll get there again. Other times, I feel like it is waiting right around the corner, just out in the lobby of my building, standing on the street outside of the restaurant I'm sitting in.

There are things I love about being in love. The feeling you get when you look in someone's eyes and see the whole world there. The realization that your hands fit together just so. Learning every square centimeter of someone's body, from the freckles behind their ears to the fact that their feet are always cold. Realizing that you're thinking the same things at the same time just by looking at each other. Knowing that, the moment you lay eyes on them, you start smiling like an idiot and you cannot stop. Legs touching under the table. Recognizing their scent in a room you walk into. Thinking of them first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Imagining a life together: sunny Sunday mornings together in bed, long vacations at the beach, showing each other our favorite places.

Then there are things that scare me. The thought that it might not happen. The thought that it might not work. The thought that the last time will be the very last time. The idea that you might love them more than they love you and that, soon, you'll find that out in the most painful way possible. Wondering if what you have is enough. Wondering if you can give them everything they deserve. Knowing that they are a better person than you are and that they'll come to that discovery sooner than later.

Still, the good outweighs the bad. To quote that favorite chick flick, "I'd rather have 30 minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special." I hope I get to the good part soon.


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