...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

At the grocery store this weekend, I saw a dude in full biker regalia--leathers, American flag headscarf, steel-toed boots--in the pet aisle, carefully selecting 9-Lives flavors for his cat.

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Never tell your mother that you have a sexually transmitteed disease. Mostly because she will get drunk and tell her friends and your brother all about it one night before going to a party and discussing American Idol for three hours straight with her ex-husband.

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I love "The Paper" on MTV. I hardly ever watch the channel anymore, mostly because I've seen every Top Model marathon already and I hate those stupid Randy Jackson dance shows. But I love Amanda and hate Alex and...God! It is just like being back in high school! In a good way! Where I don't actually have to go back!

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I just pulled out my prom photos. My God, what was I thinking? Although the reality isn't as bad as the memory. I recall the dress being really short in the front and long in the back. It actually differs by about a foot, not the two-and-a-half-feet I recall. But the hair. The hair is so sad. I really did look like a soccer mom. I look younger now than I did then. And why didn't I wear heels? I look like a stumpy fool! And I'm 5'9"!

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Why is it that, once you get the phone with the slide-out keyboard, people stop texting?


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