...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Sunday, January 25, 2009


So my friends sucked me onto Facebook.

It was only supposed to be for my college friends. We are planning to get together this summer in Chicago. This is because the last time we were in Bloomington, two of the crowd managed to get arrested. We now have to move to new turf.

So we started a Facebook group to talk about getting together at some point. But then people started finding me.

People from high school. People from work. People I worked with overseas.

These were people I liked, for the most part. I have no problem with them seeing what I am up to on any given day.

But then I started getting weird ones. From the kid in elementary school who picked his nose on the bus. From the parent of a client. From the suspected murderer next door.

Okay, that's not true. I mean, he is a suspected murderer, but he hasn't tried to "friend" me. Yet.

I have a running discussion with a friend: when is it okay to "ignore" a friend request. When your ex sister-in-law friends you? When your ex friends you? When someone from high school you spent one unfortunate evening with friends you? When your boss friends you?

And if you do "friend" them, then when is it okay to remove them? I mean, do you want your ex husband to know you are dating someone new? And do you want him to know who it is? If you are living in England, probably not so much, since husbands there tend to kill women who change their relationship status on their accounts.

Who knew the internet age would usher in so many questions of ettiquette. Where is Emily Post's internet edition when you need it?


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