...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ode to a Grecian Urn

In honor of Valentine's Day, a list of things I love:

Clean sheets, socks with no holes, the Sunday New York Times, chocolate-covered cherries, early-morning phone calls from anywhere but the office, snow days, Mini Coopers, satellite radio, apple wine, Raclette cheese, coming over the hill into town during the fall with the entire White River Valley stretched out below me in glorious color, animal tracks, hot cider, sangria, sand in my bathing suit, red velvet cake, historical mysteries, blueberry pie, driving through the country on a summer evening and watching the fireflies speed by, March Madness, Topopo salad, half-yards of beer, boat cruises on lakes at sunset with boat drinks, being okay with the phone ringing, having nothing on your desk, playing hookey, dirty jokes, knowing insider information, new stockings, finishing a crossword puzzle, Car Talk, knowing that you're both thinking the same thing at the same time, unexpected checks in the mail, Dune by Christian Dior, sitting out under the stars on a summer night and falling asleep, bonfires in the fall, that first flush of twitterpation, homemade spaghetti sauce, men who look good in turtlenecks and know it, when the cat lets me sleep in, Artisianal, really windy days in October, college football, not owning TiVo so I can watch it at my friends' house, "Boys of Summer", email marathons, other people's dogs, finding money in my pocket, high heels, dropping a size, old-fashioned cocktails, big porches with swings, doors that are rounded on top, cashew brittle, lakeside towns in the summer, St. Patrick's Day, baking something that turns out beautiful and tasty, finding a funny story to tell, and getting a completely unexpected Valentine's Day surprise.

Here's hoping you have one of your own.


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