...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Monday, April 09, 2007

A Rag-Tag Fugitive Fleet

Like all good pagans, I spent much of Sunday on my ass. Actually, I was way more productive Sunday than I was Saturday, which was spent recouperating from "The Great American Move-In" on Friday night. All the furniture of a live-in boyfriend, without the sex! Just what I've been looking for in a relationship!

Anyhoot, by Sunday afternoon, I was drinking a beer, flipping between The Masters, The Color Purple and whatever disaster movie of the week TNT chose to run. I have certain stations I frequent and I rarely venture outside my comfort zone. E! is a perennial favorite, as are the channels around there: MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, USA, F/X, etc. Anything that has anything on it that has been shown 2.1 million times previously? I'm there.

But, as it was Sunday, I thought I'd flick through some of the local channels to see if they were playing repeats of Little House or some horrible Hallmark Movie of the Week, like Love Comes Softly. Hey, it's got Izzy in it. It can't be all bad.

And what do I find, during my clicking? Hidden away on what used to be the WB? And is now...some weird family/religious/Pat Boone commercial carrying network? Battlestar Galactica.

Not the new-fangled nonsense. Oh no. Richard Hatch. Dirk Benedict. Lorne Greene!!!! And, even better! The first episode! Caprica bombed during peace negotiations. Evil Baltar conspiring with walking toasters! It doesn't get any better than Starbuck macking on the ladies in the launch tube, baby. Until Athena gets pissed and shoots him in the ass with a stream of steam.

As a child, I was obsessed with this show. Obsessed, I tell you. I watched it religiously. I made my mother buy anything that had anyone from the show on the cover. People. Us. The National Enquirer. We stopped short at Alpo. I believe I may have made audio tapes of it with my tape recorder. Had I known about fan fic, I would have written it.

And the show, while eminently cheesy, still has little glimpses of genius. The music is fabulous. The special effects compared to those now are horrid. But back then, not so bad. They made enough of an effort to show Boomer's hands on the controls when he was flying the fighters. As the only black guy they let pilot anything, other than Colonel Tigh, it would have been fairly obvious otherwise.

The...I guess you'd have to say, theology, behind the whole thing, isn't so bad, either. As far as science fiction stories go, that is. I mean, it isn't a family swept away by a river through a gorge and into a land populated by dinosaurs and Sleestaks, but, really, once you've put that story on paper, all others pale in comparison.

I still dearly love Dirk Benedict. I had a pin with him on it, back when you'd get pins with Def Leppard and Van Halen on them. He's dreamy. And I continue to hope that he aged better than Gil Gerard did. Because age did you no favors, Buck Rogers.

And I checked the tv schedule for this new, creepy, right-wing, family-friendly network. Two showings. Every Sunday. 6 and 7 p.m. Make a note of it.


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