...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Have you watched the new and fairly hideous reality show on VH1? Sunset Tan? It encapsulates every horrible job you ever had, every idiot manager that ever bossed you around, every stupid management meeting you ever had to sit through, every moronic co-worker you ever had to cover for because they were clearly too dumb to live, much less close the business at the end of the night. The fact that they've plopped all these folks down in the middle of LA doesn't change the fact that this could be any job, anywhere.

Except, of course, that the managers are running around a pool, naked, in front of their employees.

Dude, I would so be that girl from Oklahoma. I'm wondering if they're concentrating on her because they know that she'll appeal to the flyover crowd, who pretty much agrees with her assessment of her employers acting like asshats, or because they think she's a ridiculous prude.


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