...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hippity Hoppity

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I've been emailing back and forth with a friend of mine from college. He's completely unaware that I was his self-appointed stalker my freshman year. I used to get to class 20 minutes early so I could sit in the hallway and wait for him to leave whatever crappy history lecture he had the hour before my crappy history lecture. Actually, his class was probably a crappy poli sci class. Anyway, I was full of unrequited love for him until he graduated and then I found some other fool to follow around for another year. Then I went to grad school in the world's smallest town, lost 50 pounds and didn't have to worry about unrequited love anymore.

Anyway, he and I are emailing about world events, college mishaps, whatever strikes our fancy. We usually start the morning exchange by discussing whatever was on NPR or the state of the market. We then move through current events, celebrity news and pop culture. By the end of the day, we are rehashing drunken escapades in which we took part, either at college or later.

Last week, we were laughing about stupid shit we did at parties. I reminded him of a particular party my junior year at which I was passing around reading material. I was involved in student government at the time and, in our offices, we had pamphlets on every disease, disorder and type of substance abuse known to man. I used to page through them when I was bored, wondering how frequently they were replaced or rewritten. When the birth control pamphlets are really faded and still recommending the IUD, you start to wonder these things.

So, I found these pamphlets. And I thought to myself, "This could be fun." So I grabbed a bunch of them and took them to my house for future use. Because I plot and plan like that. And I respect that trait in others.

It was springtime and the guys were having a party. Not that they only threw parties during the springtime. They threw parties all the time. But it was getting toward the end of the year, close to my friend's graduation, actually, and the parties were gaining in intensity.

I walked in and the place was in full swing. I don't know where I'd been beforehand, but I'm reasonably certain I was three sheets to the wind when I got there. I had to have been. Because I started handing out AA pamphlets to my friends. And I thought I was fuckin' hysterical.

When I thought about the whole event recently, I couldn't believe I'd done something like that, particularly since we were all probably functional alcoholics at that point and I had absolutely no business making fun of anyone's drinking habits. If that party had been in a Lifetime movie, I'd have ended up dead under a bus for committing the sin of making fun of a disease. (Speaking of, I'm very much looking forward to the upcoming binge drinking special on Lifetime. Will someone DVR it for me?)

"Do you remember that party?" I asked my friend via email.
"Oh, totally," he replied.
"I can't believe I did that."
"Yeah, well, don't you remember why we were having the party?"
"No. Was there an occasion?"
"Yeah. It was Easter. It was our 'Drinking for Jesus' party."

Oh. Well. No wonder I was passing out AA pamphlets.


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