...Miss Head, if You're Nasty

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Good Wishes

There have been a number of weddings I've been to in my past that I wasn't particularly excited about, for one reason or another. Because I had to wear a hi-lo dress in a bright blue shade that made me look like Violet from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" after the blueberry gum. Because someone wanted me to sing "Sunrise/Sunset" and I didn't have an accompaniest and I'd been sick for about a week beforehand. Because I looked reaaaaaalllllly fat in that one bridesmaid dress.

Sometimes I wasn't looking forward to the wedding because I wasn't going to know anyone there. Sometimes it was because I didn't think the couple was a good match. Sometimes it was because I knew that there was no way there was ever going to be a wedding involving me and whatever sad sack I'd drafted into going as my date. Sometimes it was because I knew whoever my date was was never going to ask me to be in a wedding with him.

My friend got married yesterday. The weather was perfect. The sun, which has been hiding behind a drape of grey the likes of which hasn't been seen in these parts in years, came out for the entire day. The ground, saturated with water that hadn't yet drained into the overflowing rivers around here, actually dried out enough for the women to wear heels and not sink into the mud. The setting was gorgeous, the sunset was beautiful and the mosquitos were held at bay.

This was a wedding where everyone was happy. This was a wedding where people wanted to stay, to talk, to hang out and share stories. Not only was this an event that joined two people, it was a really good party. And I'm relatively certain that the bride knows there are few compliments higher than that--to have thrown a really good party.

I wish many things for the couple: health and happiness, wealth and wisdom, years of joy in all of its forms and the strength to deal with life when it isn't always joyous. And I hope that all of their days are as filled with laughter and fun and stories and memories as their wedding day was.

And that they always have someone available to make that last beer run of the night.


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